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VENDU VENDU !! Magnifique villa rénovée 3 chambre avec jardin

Surface habitable:
Chambre(s): 3 Chambre(s)
Salle(s) de bain: 1
À vendre
Property ID:
Property bedroom icon Chambre(s): 3
Property bathroom icon Salle(s) de bain: 1
Property size icon Surface habitable:
Property floor icon Surface terrain: 6 ares 68
Property total floors icon Nombre d'étage(s):
Property year built icon Garage:
Property heating icon Salle(s) de bain: 1
Property accommodation icon Accommodation:
Property ceiling height icon PEB: C
Property parking icon Chauffage: CC mazout
Property distance from center icon Châssis: DV PVC avec volets
Property publication date Électricité: conforme
Property area size icon Égouts: oui
Property garages icon Revenu cadastral: 894€
Property garages size icon Garages size:
Property additional space icon Additional space:
Full Address:
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: AF

PEB C n°20240616002167, Consommation d’énergie primaire 235 .

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